Test and inspection of electricity meters

Test and inspection of electricity meters

Test and inspection of electricity meters


An Introduction to Testing and Inspection of electricity Meters

In the process of production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy, measurements of the amount of energy produced, transmitted or distributed from equipment known as measuring devices are used. Without such equipment, it is virtually impossible to calculate the amount of energy produced and consumed. The importance of measuring instruments in the electric power industry is not covered by anyone. These equipment are actually known as the only balance or indicator for measuring the value of a commodity called the electrical energy for a seller named Power Company. These equipment play a key role in calculating the technical losses in electrical networks.
In non-technical casualties, the unauthorized use of electrical energy was mentioned as one of the most important causes of non-technical casualties, and it is safe to say that this factor accounts for a large percentage of non-technical casualties and its reduction will be a huge contribution to the electricity industry. . The unauthorized use of electrical energy actually means the removal of all or part of the performance of a set of measuring appliances in various forms and methods. In this way, the amount of current electric energy will not be properly measured and recorded, which means loss. The major assets of the manufacturing and distributor of electrical energy, which should be part of the energy generation cycle Get away
Therefore, due to the extraordinary importance of these equipment in the electric power industry in controlling the amount of production, transmission and distribution of energy, as well as the calculation of energy losses, and in view of the possibility of such failures or manipulations in this vital equipment, continuous monitoring and monitoring These devices are inevitable to ensure their performance is correct.
In order to control and monitor the proper functioning of the measuring equipment in recording the amount of electrical energy, special equipment such as test and inspection devices for measuring devices (or, in short, test-meter devices) is used.
MT is a portable device for testing and inspection of three-phase and single-phase subscriber meters. This device is designed in accordance with standard testing and inspection processes of measuring equipment of national power distribution companies using native technical knowledge and capable of testing all types of single-phase and three-phase mechanical and digital meters.

Sanjesh Afzar Asia