TM-100 is a telecommunication modem with 2G/3G/4G communication coverage and has an RS485 electrical port with the DLMS protocol support. TM-100 transmits data in Direct HDLC format with devices trough RS485 port and transmits data with central application in DLMS Wrapper protocol, according to this, TM-100 converts the Wrapper format to Direct HDLC, and vice versa. The communication interactions of the modem with the central management software, including sending and receiving commands, data, settings related to the modem are done in the DLMS/COSEM standard format. It is possible to set the modem both locally and remotely.
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The stability of communication with different equipment is fundamentally improved and it will be possible to access equipment at any time. The problem of the device not receiving signal can be solved by installing the external antenna in a suitable place. It is possible to change the SIM card without opening the door of the device. Topics such as authentication and data encryption have been covered in this device by implementing the full DLMS/COSEM protocol. Other advantages of equipment reading are as follows:
Technical Specifications
General Information
GPRS Module Specifications
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