Contact us

Office Address

3rd Floor, No.8, 16th Street, Gandi st., Tehran, Iran
Tel: (+9821) 88799914 & 42704


(+9821) 42704


Central office

3rd Floor, No.8, 16th St., Gandi St., Tehran, Iran
Postal code: 1517854614
Tel: (+9821) 88799914 & 42704

Isfahan factory

No.5, 26th Andishmandan st., Northern industrial city of isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
Postal code : 8331131766

Tehran University Science and Technology Park Production Workshop

Unit 3, Hall No.6, Behind the Stadium, Science and technology park of Tehran University, Farshi Moghadam St., Northern Kargar St., Tehran, Iran
Postal code: 1439817435
Tel: (+9821) 88220549

Tehran factory

Hall No.5, Marvoti Technical and Professional Complex, Niloufar St., in front of Amirul Mominin Hospital, the end of Naziabad, Bahman Sq., Tehran, Iran
Postal code: 1811694782
Tel: (+9821) 42704

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