
The data collector is installed next to the digital electricity meters and communicates with them using the communication ports of the meters. If the installed meters have an RS485 electrical port, by using networking between the meters, by placing the DCU-250 device next to them, the meters can be collectively read in order and their information can be saved in a certain period of time. Using the SIM card in the device, it is connected to the mobile network through the GSM platform and communicates with the central server and remote reading software through SMS and GPRS, and through the software, the required commands are sent to the modem and the modem information. It sends its saved data to the software. This collected information can be used in energy consumption management.

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CMS-400 is a data logger whose hardware and software structure is modularly designed based on the RTOS method, which allows the use of this data logger in meteorological, hydrological, hydrometric and environmental component measurement systems. The system is designed to monitor weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, pressure, speed, wind direction, etc. in accordance with international standards. The ability to easily configure, define and record data of up to 20 sensors and upgrade memory from 2 to 16 GB without changing the hardware is a prominent feature of this device. The data logger sends the collected data via GPRS and LAN to the central server, which can be monitored through web-based software developed for this purpose.

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This device is installed beside the electricity meters in the high voltage distribution substations and is connected to the meters via its communication ports and on the other side connects to main server and electricity market software and SCADA system and transfers the data via standard protocols.

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EMR is a windows® platform based software that can be used throughout a network. This product is designed to manage, monitor, generate reports and process the data gathered from the mechanical and digital electricity meters, reports and other related data from different meter reading devices.

This software is a great complementary tool for processing the data gathered from the electricity meter reading devices for using in comprehensive consumer services system (also known by billing systems), that can be given to electricity distribution companies.

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This product is a handheld data collector unit that is designed due to customer needs. Using the system related software, various forms can be design in the device and the user shall use it according to his/her needs. Device and the software are dynamically designed so there will be no need for change from manufacturer in any parts.

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This device is installed alongside the meters in the above-mentioned substations and communicates with the communication ports of the meters, and on the other hand, using the GPRS substrate or one of the PSTN and LAN platforms with the central server and the software. Communicates, receives commands from the software, and takes the necessary steps and, if necessary, sends read data from the meters. The product meets the network management company's instructions and procedures for reading feeder feeder readings for distribution companies.

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This device is installed beside meters in distribution substations. It communicates with meters using the meter communication ports and on the other hand connects to the central server and the software using GPRS, LAN or PSTN, receiving instructions and executing them and therefor sending read data from meters to the server.

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