LPM-150 is an Online Multi-feeder power analyzer/logger that designed to measure the distribution substation load and it is able to record and send measured amounts of voltage, flow and power factor of all feeders in the distribution substation through GPRS network. This system is connected to a web based software which is designed for collecting and managing data of the installed devices. LPM software is also able to connect to the devices through GPRS network to send the necessary configurations.
This device is installed alongside the meters in the above-mentioned substations and communicates with the communication ports of the meters, and on the other hand, using the GPRS substrate or one of the PSTN and LAN platforms with the central server and the software. Communicates, receives commands from the software, and takes the necessary steps and, if necessary, sends read data from the meters. The product meets the network management company's instructions and procedures for reading feeder feeder readings for distribution companies.
All rights belong to assess the SanjeshAfzarAsia .