Sanjesh Afzar Asia

On the morning of Monday, October 11th, the first "specialized exhibition of innovative and technological products 1401" started with the presence of "Ali Akbar Mehrabian", the Honorable Minister of Energy, senior managers and experts of the electrical industry at Niro Research Institute.

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The fifth national conference and exhibition of fluid flow measurement in oil, gas, refining and distribution, petrochemical and water industries was held on July 14 and 15 at Iran University of Science and Technology.

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This event was held on Monday, July 6, in the building of the Presidential Innovation and Prosperity Fund and in four thematic axes, smart meter, data transmission infrastructure, data analysis platforms and requirements and regulations and regulation with the presence of the Minister of Oil, the Vice President of Science and Technology. Dr. Chegini, the CEO and vice presidents of National Gas Company of Iran and some representatives of the energy committee of the Majlis were held.

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The biggest challenge that industries face today is designing a network infrastructure that can meet the constantly evolving industrial communication needs. Industrial networks are heterogeneous communication platforms that have evolved over time to cater to the multifaceted needs of its users. In addition to providing a core network infrastructure, industrial networks must also support the communication needs of the increasing number of devices that are added to the edge networks each day. In this white paper we look at the role of cellular networks in industrial edge networks and discuss how to choose a good cellular network management solution.

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The new Sanjesh Afzar Asia Website was launched with the goal of better and more effective communication with customers and audiences.

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