A Review of Meter Reading Techniques

A Review of Meter Reading Techniques

A Review of Meter Reading Techniques


A Review of Meter Reading Techniques

The reading of electricity, water and gas meters has been carried out manually and imported into paper checklists. As the metrology industry has progressed around the world, metering readings have also progressed dramatically.
Today, with the production of digital and smart meters, reading methods are generally divided in two ways.
Handwritten reading: The traditional method of reading the meter, which is nowadays more accurate and efficient with reader devices.
Remote reading: It is performed on readings of meters without the use of human resources and methods such as RF-mesh and GPRS.

Handwritten readings are typically performed by the reader, so that they read and record the counter according to the number of subscriptions they receive from the distribution company, at the joint location, respectively. This method has a high human error.
Another method of reading is optical reading with a probe. In this way, the reader reads the same way as in the previous method, but instead of reading the meter counter with the eye, the optical probe connected to the reader is placed on the meter's optical port. Then, on the reader, it executes the read command, and at that time, not only the meter count, but also many other factors are automatically read in accordance with the settings. This method is much faster, more efficient, and free from human error.
Normally, the features of the meter reader are limited to the hardware provided by the manufacturer. Nowadays, due to the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, manufacturers have come to develop reader software under the Android and Windows Mobile operating systems. Advantages of using this system, the independence of the platform and also the loyalty of the hand-maker in the use of the many facilities that these platforms provide the user. Also, the user with these systems is much easier than the previous systems.
Manual reading of meters for counters has many problems and dangers. The problems include the absence or non-cooperation of open doors, non-standard installations, and hard access to meters, etc. Also, hazards include bites, pet bites, electric shock, and so on. Hence, another method was developed for the reading of the meter's meters, in which the meters are equipped with a radio module (RF). In this case, the meter will only walk pedestrians or riders from the front of the house door or near the meters and will place its reader in the mode of receiving information. At this time, information is automatically transmitted wirelessly and no longer requires entry into the home.
Even though the ease of reading is higher and the reading time is less, there are still some defects. The biggest defect in this system is the high energy consumption, because the RF transmitter, which is installed next to the meter, is continuously transmitting in short intervals, while the meter reader only once a month for reading Referring Also, in high-density subscribers, the time to get information into the meter reader goes up, which slows down the reading process.
To solve the meter reading problems, the remote reading system was proposed using data collectors (DCUs). In this system, information is transmitted locally via the RF network to the DCU device within the scope of sending and after data collection through the LAN or GPRS to the data center.
In this way, the meter reader does not interfere with reading, and the human error is completely eliminated. The reference jumper uses this method only to test the meter, inspect the registered items, identify the manipulations and repairs to the location.
The data collector was weak and poor because the radio frequency band was replaced by a direct remote reading. In this method, each meter, either inside itself or on its own, has a transmitter module, which is responsible for logging events and reading the meter values ​​and setting it directly to the central server through the GPRS network. In this method, the meter is replaced by a smart meter, or remote reading modems along with the existing meters must be installed.
At present, this method is being followed up and implemented by the meter readings in Iran under the name of Faham.

Sanjesh Afzar Asia